1999 Ted Rebetje Memorial Section Meet

National Association Of Rocketry Sanction No. 1001-99S

Saturday, June 26, 1999


Open Spot Landing

(NOTE: This event MUST be flown prior to flying in any of the other events of the meet.) Open to single-staged entries. The purpose is to land the rocket so that the tip of its nose cone is closest to a predetermined spot on the ground. You are allowed only ONE official flight. In Open Spot Landing any type of recovery is allowed provided it conforms to Rule 3.5 in the Pink Book.Weighting Factor: 4

1/2A Boost-Glider-1/2ABG

Open to any model, one portion of which returns to the ground in stable, gliding flight supported by aerodynamic lifting surfaces (wings). Staged entries must have the gliding portion as part of the upper stage, and must not be deployed until that stage has burned out. Only the gliding portion is timed. The purpose is to achieve the longest flight duration time. Conditions permitting you are allowed two official flights your final score being the sum of those flights. NOTE THE MODEL MUST BE RETURNED. Weighting Factor: 17

1/2A Parachute Duration-MAPD

Open to single-staged entries containing one or more parachutes for recovery purposes. The purpose of this event is to achieve the longest flight duration time. Conditions permitting you are allowed two official flights the final score being the sum of those flights. NOTE THE MODEL MUST BE RETURNED. Weighting Factor: 7

A Streamer Duration-ASD

Open to single-staged entries that contain a single streamer as the only recovery device. The purpose is to achieve the longest flight duration. A streamer as defined for this event is a piece of cloth, plastic film, or paper whose shape is approximately rectangular. The streamer must have a length to width ratio of five to one (5: 1) or greater with a minimum area of 100 centimeters, connected by only a single line or cord, attached at the narrow end of the streamer. The cord or line may not be connected to either the streamer or the model at more thatn one point (e.g. NO YOKES PERMITTED). The streamer may not be slit, cut, or otherwise altered in such a manner as to affect its nature as a simple connected plane. Though it may be necessary to use more that one piece of material to reach the required length each piece must be the same type material and attached parallel to the narrow axis of the streamer using the smallest joint possible. Conditions permitting you are allowed two official flights, the final score being the sum of those flights. NOTE MODEL MUST BE RETURNED. Weighting Factor: 8

NAR Number: Each entry shall carry, legibly displayed upon its exterior surface as the model rocket appears in flight readiness, the contestant's name or NAR license number.

Recording of Returns: It is the responsibility of the contestant to ensure that the officials have noted on the entry card that the model has been returned, where it is so required.

Competition Points: Competition points are awarded to each contestant as follows.

10 points per event for placing first
6 points per event for placing second
4 points per event for placing third
2 points per event for placing fourth
1 point per event for making at least one qualified, official flight (flight points)

Scores: Scores are calculated in the following way: Competition Points are multiplied by the Weighting Factor for each event. The result is then multiplied by the Contest Factor (Section Meet is 1) to produce the contestant's total score. Example: You place first in Open Spot Landing. First place gives you 10 points; OSL has a Weighting Factor of 4 and a Section Meet has a Contest Factor of 1 as shown above. Multiply 10 X 4 X 1 you would be awarded; =: 40-points. If you took first place in each of the four events your total Score would be 360 points.

You will learn more about model rocketry in one contest than you will in years of "swish-n-pop" rocket launching. Yu will also learn that it's lots of fun!

NOTE: The above rules are excerpts taken from the United States Model Rocket Sporting Code (Pink Book).