GSSS April 1998 Launch Photos

The April GSSS launch was held under beautiful, sunny skies but very high winds. It's tough to catch a break from Mother Nature in the spring. We had a number of the regulars out flying and some new faces. I didn't get as many pictures as last time but if anyone has a photo of the launch they would like posted here please email it to me. See you all at the May 30th launch!

Recognize your rocket? Email me and let me know  Recognize your rocket? Email me and let me know
We had a visitor... Hooking up the clips
The monthly chad-staged flying saucer launch Tony Romano's LOC Onyx on a D12-3
Rob Nee's Estes Quasar on a C6-5 Tony Romano's modified Big Bertha on a cluster of 3 C5-3s 
Rob Nee's Big Bertha on a C6-3 Rob Nee's Maxi-Alpha on a D12-5 right before it catoed!