GSSS Launch Site - North Branch Park

Launch Photo

Important note on how launches are run

  1. If no one shows up to fly by 10:30am the range will be shut down early.
  2. The range will not be opened until other flyers show up to help setup the range.
  3. When those present say they are finished launching the range will close.
  4. All launching is cancelled if Trump is at his golf course in Bedminster, We are not always notified until we get to the park so a launch cancelation notice can not always be sent.

Directions to North Branch Park Launch Site

North Branch Park is very near the traffic circle junction of NJ Routes 22, 28, 202, and 206, near Somerville. Follow 202 South from the circle for 2 miles, past Bridgewater Towne Centre Shopping Mall (Wegmans), under railroad trestle marked "4H is Tops", to right turn onto Milltown Road. Make first left after firehouse and 4H Center on right; follow path to open field. Monthly launches from 10-4.

NJ Turnpike South to Exit 10, 287 North to Exit 14B (lefthand exit), 202/206 South to Circle

202 North to Milltown Rd.; or 206 North to Circle

287 North to Exit 13, 202/206 South to Circle

Rt. 78 or Rt. 80 East to 287 South to Exit 17, 202/206 South to Circle

Map of Launch Site

Local Facilities

AMENITIES Public Restrooms on site. Fast food locations (Dunkin' Doughnuts & McDonald's) on Rt. 202.

EQUIPMENT Launching your rocket with GSSS is free. GSSS provides launching facilities and operates under the mis-fire alley protocols. You must supply your own rockets, wadding, rocket motors and ignitors.

MODEL ROCKET SUPPLIES Toys R Us, Michael's, and Walmart are in the area and carry some model rocket items.

GSSS Launch Regulations

  1. All models/launches to be in compliance with the NAR Model Rocket.Safety Code.
  2. All models ready to launch must be presented to the RSO for a safety check.
  3. When using the ALLEY SYSTEM, permission to launch must be given by the RSO. A loud 5 second countdown must be used before launch.
  4. An attempt MUST be made to insure that all models are recovered within the boundries of the park. Using engine/recovery systems compatible with wind conditions etc. (This does not apply at contests).
  5. High power (Over 30 Newton-seconds) flights, when allowed by the RSO will be ignited from a minimum distance of 30 feet. (Recovery as in rule #4).
  6. Models using more than 30 Newton-seconds of power must use at least a 3/16" or 1/4" launch rod. If smaller, model may not be allowed to fly. (RSO to decide)
  7. MOD-ROC flights will be allowed at the discretion of the RSO. (Recovery as in rule #4).
  8. Entry and exit from the launch area will be from one end only, at the R S O table.
  9. Static testing of engines will not be allowed.
  10. Long thrusting engines should only be used in very calm wind conditions (No more than 4.5 seconds of thrust time can be flown. Recovery as in rule #4)
  11. All prepping of models will be done outside of launch area.
  12. Alcohol is not allowed at any GSSS model rocket launch.

A Note About North Branch Park

Please keep in mind that the park and weather conditions dictate what we allow to fly. If the Range Safety Officer (RSO) does not feel the model can be safely flown or recovered within the park's boundries, it will not be flown regardless of the weight or impulse. If some other activity shows up and starts using the adjoining fields, the RSO will reduce impulse for all flights. So, bring some small stuff just in case. Remember, we share the park. We do not pay a fee and most of us are not a resident of that county. Rocket flying fields in New Jersey are in short supply, and we are protective of the fields we have. If you are unhappy with this limitation, then we invite you to help us in gaining legal access to privately owned, large, open fields.

Also see the GSSS Launch Regulations